As more light and energy comes in after the solstice, yoga classes are all running to support your growth. Is it time to come out of hibernation. For me yes, even if it is hard to leave the comfort of my warm bed.

Tuesday 9:15am and 7pm , Thursday 7pm, Friday 9:15am and Saturday 8:30am

Beginners Meditation Course back by popular demand. Find the right style for you,

This is a perfect 6-week introduction course for anyone who wants to learn to meditate and find the right style to suit them. An invitation to experience peace and calm and how to incorporate meditation into a busy life

When and Where

Monday evenings 6:30-7.30 12 June to 17 July 2023 Held at Hills Yoga Classes Hall
15 The Crescent, Helena Valley.

Cost:   $140. To register P: 0478616977. Email:

What you will receive

  • 6 one-hour weekly session to explore different meditation styles
  • completion of a unique quiz to understand your spiritual temperament which can provides insight into what style of mediation might be suitable for you
  • A gentle and safe introduction to understand the different forms of meditation and yoga, for those with little experience or who wish to learn the basics
  • Copies of meditation practices cheat sheets for home practice between sessions
  • An understanding of some of the myths around meditation 
  • An understanding of the health benefits of meditation 
  • How to incorporate meditation into a busy lifestyle 

Meditation at Hills yoga benefits

Yoga classes resume Sat 1 May 8:30am with masks

Hi Everyone

Let Yoga support your love and light

Hills Yoga Classes schedule is resuming wearing masks and 2sqm apart from the 1 May Saturday 2021

Glad to announce that we can resume practicing yoga together. It is what keeps me grounded and happy. Let the yoga fill your life with more love and light. Plus making the body a happier place to inhabit. First class Sat 8:30am 1May 2021

Tuesday 9:15am, 5pm and 7pm
Thursday 7pm
Friday 9:15am
Saturday 8:30am