Home of Yoga retreat at Hills Yoga Classes

10 January 2016 15 The Crescent Helena Valley 9am to 5pm

You are all invited to come together for a day of connection, community and celebration. A day of yoga, dancing, breathwork, mindfulness practices, active meditations, music, fun and sharing of heart space. A perfect way to begin 2016.

Facilitated by Sam and Sydel Weinstein and supported by a whole crew of wonderful teachers and assistants.

We will end to day with a sharing of food (dahl, vegetable curry) and music.

All are welcome to join our retreat day. You will get to experience the spirit and essence of our Full Bali Adventures and Bush Retreat Weekends in the setting of the’ Hills yoga classes’ wonderfully cool yoga studio surrounded by trees and a pool to cool down in close by.

If you have been to one of our retreats before this is a way to reconnect. If you are going with us to the Bali Spirit Pre-Retreat & Festival, this is a way to warm up and get ready. If you have never been to one of our retreats and you are curious, we guarantee you are in for a treat! Thats why it is called a Re-treat!

We are limiting the Retreat to 20 spaces. So please book early to secure your place. You can book by transferring funds to
BSB 306-047 Account 028-7999 Transformational Yoga Institute. Narrative of your name and ‘JanRetreat’. Early enrolments received before December 11th $195. Full fee $235. We expect this to book fairly quickly and will post when the retreat is full. Please email us to confirm booking on sydel@homeofyoga.com

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