Yoga classes resume Sat 1 May 8:30am with masks

Hi Everyone

Let Yoga support your love and light

Hills Yoga Classes schedule is resuming wearing masks and 2sqm apart from the 1 May Saturday 2021

Glad to announce that we can resume practicing yoga together. It is what keeps me grounded and happy. Let the yoga fill your life with more love and light. Plus making the body a happier place to inhabit. First class Sat 8:30am 1May 2021

Tuesday 9:15am, 5pm and 7pm
Thursday 7pm
Friday 9:15am
Saturday 8:30am

Hi! I am Helen

My classes are here to support your development of inner peace that you can cultivate yourself. Yoga has supported me through many stages of life’s ups and downs. Yoga and meditation are such incredible tools for inner transformation. I can’t wait to teach you and support your yoga journey in becoming that radiant true self.

The multi-dimensional self you know that you want to be. I look forward to meeting you.

Surrounded by nature so we can deeply connect to nature whilst we practice our yoga.

Yoga Classes have resumed June

Yoga classes have resumed at Hills Yoga Classes

New Timetable

Note the new time of 5pm that will be a stronger class.

  • Tuesday 9:15am (General)
  • Tuesday 5 pm (Stronger)
  • Tuesday 7pm (Yin/Hatha)
  • Thursday 7pm (Hatha mix)
  • Friday 9:15am (Gentle Therapeutic)
  • Saturday 8:30am (General)

A group of 20 in total can do yoga indoors and outdoors at my place with the correct social distancing. 

Looking forward to seeing you all. Doing yoga by myself has been great, but I do miss my community.


Yoga Outside is on again.

Yoga outdoors is back at Hills Yoga Classes.                   Starts Friday 9:15am 1st of May

Peace, serenity and plenty of fresh air.

Day classes outdoors ongoing
Tuesday and Friday 9:15am,
Saturday 8:30am.

Those who arrive first will be allowed to attend until we reach the maximum of nine people. I know this will be a bit hit and miss but we will just have to see how this goes!

Looking forward to seeing you all. Doing yoga by myself has been great, but I do miss my community.

Below is an outline for class protocols – A work in progress in this moment.

I will align with the event guidelines for gatherings set by the Dept of Health.

Check your self care daily and only attend a class if symptom free of cold and flu’s.

Please do not attend a class if you have been in contact to your knowledge with someone with Corona Virus or have recently arrived from overseas

Please bring your own Mats & Towels/Blanket.

Know our classes are small, spaced & conducted with loving awareness outdoors.

During this time there will be no hands on adjusting.

If you need to use a mat they will be available. For the time being could be taken home and brought to class as your own personal mat. In the long term you might need to buy a mat.

The hall will be closed, but the toilet is available.

Cash to be put into a bucket of water with sanitiser. So you get to wash your hands as well!



Hills Yoga classes closure

Hi All you lovely people,


Hills Yoga Classes has closed it classes. Time to go into quiet retreat.

I will miss your company. Know that I am thinking of you and sending out lots of love. Ring me up if you want to chat 0478616977.


The new rules will come into effect from midday on Monday 23/03/20 (today) and will include the closure of gyms/fitness centres, nightclubs, cinemas, places of worship, pubs, clubs, restaurants, cafes and indoor sporting venues.


In short, I don’t know.

At this stage the government has not given any confirmed time frames, and the measures will be reviewed monthly. I will update you as soon as I have any information on this.

We will all get to play down by the river in the future.

